Monday, July 20, 2015

Communication and Collaboration in a Networked World

Session Overview

ISTE’s NETS for Students states “Students [should] use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. [They should] interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.” Come explore how communication and collaboration tools across K-12 content areas can help transform learning. Learn how you can help your students and colleagues connect with content, with each other, and with others outside the classroom in a meaningful way.

Session Objectives

Session attendees will explore, interact with, and create technology resources for inquiry, research, networking, collaboration, creation, presentation, publication, and reflection.

Session Pretest
Session Post-test

Session Resources

  1. Prezi Presentation
  2. Communication and Collaboration in a Networked World - session handout
  3. Constructivism 
  4. Literacy with ICT Continuum Poster
  5. Electronic Internet Inquiry Search and Evaluation Log 
  6. Group Webquest: Who Owns that Image? Can I use it? 
  7. Storyboards to plan how to balance image and text within a digital presentation
  8. Evaluating Websites - a checklist
  9. Critical Evaluation of Information 
  10. 10 Important Google Search Strategies  
  11. Lesson plans: Teaching about copyright and fair use  
  12. 11 Google Tricks That Will Change the Way You Search
  13. Information Literacy Tutorials and Activities 
  14. An introduction to the 10-step process (for inquiry) 
  15. 9 Ways to Teaching Digital Citizenship 
  16. 6 Online Research Skills Your Students Need 
  17. Literacy with ICT Website (lots of great information and source of several session handouts)