Monday, November 23, 2020

Engaging and Interactive Lessons

Students in ED 410/411 spent the past few weeks creating lesson plans in which technology resources were used throughout  - to engage, explore, explain, elaborate and evaluate student learning.

They submitted EXCELLENT lessons - can't wait to share!

R Nicholson - Learning Hardware Basics

K Hill - Life Cycles

M Hill - Pollution 

S Rasko - Digital Citizenship



Thursday, November 19, 2020

An Investigation into Partnering Teaching Strategies

 What's the latest scoop on using the latest partnering teaching strategies in the classroom? Watch these investigative reports that take a deep look into problem-based, team-based, case-based, inquiry-based and place-based learning. 

R Nicholson - Problem Based Learning

K Hill - Team Based Learning

C Ingerwersen - Case Based Learning


P Davis - Inquiry Based Learning


R Epps - Place Based Learning

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Engaging and Interactive Digital Lessons

Students in ED 510 have been "playing" with SoftChalk this past week. They are using SoftChalk to create engaging and interactive digitally accessible lessons. I believe you will enjoy these great submissions - 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Graph, Plan, Organize, Research & Reference

 This week students in ED 510 are reviewing technology resources for graphing, planning, organizing, researching and referencing. Below are some of their self-created submissions - Enjoy!


C Wright 

M Russell 

J Crawford

T Chambers

P Graham

L Johnson

L Jones

 J Haynes

W Hill

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Material Generators

 There are many free, online technology resources that can be used to generate teaching and learning resources for educational classrooms and training purposes. Students in ED 510 have been exploring these resources and creating digital materials to be used in their area of expertise. 

Enjoy viewing their great work!

It's time to TEACH with TECHNOLOGY!

Students in ED 510 investigated resources used for teaching and learning, designed and created digital presentations and captured their presentations using screen capture software. Enjoy viewing their submissions!

K Parks - Gamification 


P Graham - Pinboards

A Carter - eBooks