Wednesday, April 15, 2020

What are Partnering Pedagogies?

Partnering Pedagogies??? What's that??

Many educators are unfamiliar with this term. To answer the question, watch these video presentations, created by ED 307 students, which present overviews of different types of partnering pedagogies used in K12 classrooms.

Community Service Learning by J Dews

 Team Based Learning by K Gargus

Gamification by D Guinn

Challenge-Based Learning by M Whetstone

Global Collaboration Project by J Howard

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

What is Technology Integration?

ED 410/411 are courses about technology integration. One of the final projects students are required to submit is a webpage overview of the course - which should answer the question "what is technology integration?".

Enjoy viewing the following webpage submission - they provide an excellent summary of the course!